Roczniki Psychologiczne / Annals of Psychology(od roku 2021)
Waga | 0,6 kg |
ISSN | 1507-7888 |
Oprawa | miękka |
35,00 zł
Roczniki Psychologiczne(do roku 2020-publikowane w języku polskim/ Annals of Psychology (the continuation of Annals of Philosophy no 4, Psychology), published quarterly, is an academic psychological journal. It aims to present up-to-date, original empirical results and influential theoretical contributions in various areas of psychology, and to promote new and creative ideas about research and psychological methods. The Journal accepts contributions of three kinds: 1) original articles, on both empirical and conceptual character, 2) short communications, and 3) polemics, which consists of a focus article followed by peer commentaries and a response by the author of the focus article. Annals of Psychology guarantees rigorous peer review process. The Journal is addressed to academics, practitioners in different areas of applied psychology and to representatives of related sciences with an interest in important new psychological ideas and findings.
The Journal is published quarterly (four issues a year) in English.
Dostępne roczniki:
t.12 2009 nr 1,2
t.13 2010 nr 1,2
t.14 2011 nr 1,2
t.15 2012 nr 1,2,3,4
t.16 2013 nr 1,2,3,4
t.17 2014 nr 1,2,3,4
t.18 2015 nr 1,2,3,4
t.19 2016 nr 1,2,3,4
t.20 2017 nr 1,2,3,4
t.21 2018 nr 1,2,3,4
t.22 2019 nr 1,2,3,4
t.23 2020 nr 1,2,3,4
t.24 2021 nr 1,2,3-4
t.25 2022 nr 1,2,3,4
t.26 2023 nr 1
W celu zakupu konkretnego tomu rocznika, prosimy o dodanie odpowiedniej ilości do koszyka i zapisanie w formularzu w uwagach: numeru i roku zamawianej publikacji.
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