Studies in Logic and Theory of Knowledge vol. 7
Waga | 0,63 kg |
Redakcja | Antoni Stępień, Józef Herbut, Stanisław Kiczuk |
ISBN | 978-83-7306-528-4 |
Seria wydawnicza | |
Rok wydania | 2011 |
Oprawa | miękka |
Ilość stron | 328 |
30,00 zł
Availability: Na stanie
Stanislaw Kiczuk, Modern Logic versus Mathematics and Philosophy
Marcin Tkaczyk, A Concept of Logical Theory
Bozena Czernecka-Rej, Remarks on Susan Haack’s Understanding of the Philosophy of Logic
Marcin Tkaczyk, On Temporal Interpretation of Modal Logic
Marcin Tkaczyk, Time-Variable in Ancient and Medieval Theories of Conditionals
Anna Kozanecka-Dymek, The Issue of the So-Called Fregean Axiom
Arkadiusz Gut, Gottlob Frege’s Thought in the Light of Inquiries Conducted in Contemporary Philosophy
Robert Kublikowski, Language, Vagueness and Definition
Monika Walczak, Bernard Lonergan’s Notion of Belief (with Reference to the Analytical Tradition)
Piotr K. Szalek, Roman Ingarden’s Ontological Theory of Relation
Rev. Jozef Turek, Cosmological Context of the Currently Formulated Theistic Arguments
Jacek Wojtysiak, On the So-Called Cosmological Argument
Rev. Jozef Turek, Anthropic Explanation in Cosmology
Marian Wnuk, The Problem of Causality in the Biogenesis Research: Towards a Quantum Logic of Life
Przemyslaw Gut, Spinoza’s Conception of Mind
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