Initiatives supporting the tasks of the Maximilian Maria Kolbe Institute for Development of the Polish Language 2023

Instytut Rozwoju Języka Polskiego im. świętego Maksymiliana Marii Kolbego (Maximilian Maria Kolbe Institute for Development of the Polish Language), as part of the competition Inicjatywy wspierające zadania Instytutu Rozwoju Języka Polskiego im. Świętego Maksymiliana Marii Kolbego 2023 (Initiatives supporting the tasks of the Maximilian Maria Kolbe Institute for Development of the Polish Language 2023), co-funded the following project:

1. “Multilingualism and Polish Language: Conference for Polish language teachers, parents of children studying in Polish schools, students, lovers of Polish culture and language”

Project aims:

  1. Supporting the teaching of Polish, building linguistic and cultural identity.
  2. Promoting educational and artistic activities of compatriots in Switzerland.
  3. Strengthening the position of Polish Diaspora schools by increasing the effectiveness of their operation and indicating directions for development and greater activity.

2. Important events organized by Polska Macierz Szkolna in Ireland in 2023

Project aims:

The aim of the project was to organize the Jubilee of the Polish School Motherland in Ireland (Polska Macierz Szkolna w Irlandii / PMSI) for the Polish community – teachers, students, parents and activists associated with Polish organizations. The ceremony served to tighten cooperation between Polish schools, strengthen the image of Polish education in Ireland, and promote the Polish language, the activities of Polish schools, and encourage parents to cooperate with schools – all to increase the number of students in Polish schools. The students had the opportunity to show off their recitation, vocal and dancing skills that they acquired in Polish schools. On the second day of the ceremony, teachers participated in methodological workshops conducted by educators invited from Poland. The workshops served to improve the quality of teaching.

The ceremony was attended by approximately 300 people (students, parents, teachers and Polish activists from Ireland, Poland and other European countries).

The next event organized by PMSI in 2023 is the 9th edition of the LOKOMOTYWA – Polish Recitation Competition, which is addressed to students of Polish schools in the Republic of Ireland. The aim of the Competition is to promote the culture of the native language, disseminate the works of Polish poets, awaken interest in the art of recitation among children and young people, and promote the culture of the living word among Polish students.

3. “Alphabet of Polish Literature”

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