Support for Polish and Polish Diaspora schools abroad 2024

Dofinansowane przez Instytut Rozwoju Języka Polskiego ze środków Ministerstwa Edukacji

Instytut Rozwoju Języka Polskiego im. świętego Maksymiliana Marii Kolbego (Maximilian Maria Kolbe Institute for Development of the Polish Language), as part of the competition "Wsparcie dla szkół polonijnych i polskich za granicą 2024" (Support for Polish and Polish Diaspora schools abroad 2024), co-funded the following projects:

  1. Support for the maintenance and functioning of the Saturday School of the Millennium of the Baptism of Poland in Martin Coronado – Argentina (ORPEG no. 9782)
  1. Support for the maintenance and operation of the school at the Polish Catholic Mission in Porto Alegre
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