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The Learned Society KUL
The Learned Society of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin was founded in 1934 on the initiative of Father Antoni Szymański, then rector of Catholic University of Lublin as an academic and publishing institution, a legally separate but complementary to the University. For nearly 90 years, it has been in service of science and truth. It is one of the older institutions of its kind in Poland. At present it has more than 700 members: active members, correspondending and collaboratorating from all scientific centres in Poland. The Society’s activities are governed by a 13-member management board.
Polish Diaspora and Poles Abroad 2024 – regranting
Project title: Polonia Portal – an online platform of knowledge about and for Polish Diaspora PROJECT FINANCED BY THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE
Support for teaching Polish abroad by co-financing the purchase of textbooks, office equipment, computer equipment and software
Instytut Rozwoju Języka Polskiego (Institute for Development of the Polish Language), as part of the competition “Wsparcie nauczania języka polskiego za granicą poprzez dofinansowanie zakupu

The Rev. Idzi Radziszewski Award Ceremony: photo story
The Board of Directors of the KUL Learned Society honored His Magnificence, Rector of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Rev. Prof. Dr.